Monday, August 27, 2007

I could put 50 more things about me....that was fun.

ok, i know i am a dork. I enjoy making lists so i am going to make another 100 facts about aimee madison. hope you learn something new......

1. i am a dork.
2. i do not hate michael bolton like i say, i actually think he is quite talented and not the no talent ass clown i like to call him.
3. movies where dogs save the day touch my heart.
4. i want to be an actress.....
5. the first concert i ever saw was garth brooks. he was great.
6. aerosmith and the rolling stones were the best concerts ever.
7. i was number 14 in basketball in highschool.
8. i loved highschool.
9. i cannot pronounce the following words : cold, told, oil, boiler, fool, cool, hole, drool.....see a pattern?
20. i have a country accent.
21. i am addicted to the facebook. i view it as my wallstreet journal of friends i like ot be updated on each day.
22. a giraffe is my favorite animal.
23. i used to call elephants "shunts" when i was a toddler.
24. the fan was called "coontah" back then also.
25. i want to have a million dollars to give away.
26. i have volunteered at st. jude and it warmed my heart.
27. i always say the wrong thing at wrong time.
28. i am addicted to perfume. i have a lot of different kinds to choose from. i like to smell nice.
29. i like to play is hard to find someone to play with.
30. i miss heather skaggs.
31. my eyes are always red....i hate this... allergies and such...
32. i broke a bone in my foot and did not know it for a year....i am tough :)
33. Joey claims to have healed that broken bone.
34. i believe people can change.
35. drinking milk is a weird concept to me. cheese is weirder.
36. i am going to europe in 2 so so so so excited!
37. i am afraid of flying.
38 i almost killed missy pitcock mcelroy on a 4 wheeler when we were hunting, she almost killed me with a gun. we called it even that day.
39. Joey and i make up songs that make no sense but sing them anyway
40. I have been arrested for supposedly keying a car ( which i did not do ) but i did think it was cool to go to jail..... this is not on a record or anything.
41. i was suspended from school for the same rumor....that was a great 3 day vacation.
42. i had to run alot in basketball for sucked.
43. i cried alot after my last basketball game.
44. i was a radio announcer for my high schools football team.
45. i hate walmart and the post office. they stress me out.
46. i LOVE Christmas!!!!! the whole season is my favorite time of year.
47. I also love fall because it is beautiful.
48. I want to live where it snows more.
49 I like to water and snow ski.
50. Little Richard held me when i was a baby. weird...


Unknown said...


you forgot to add "I like to still abnoramally large baloons from apt. complexes and then break into peoples homes to display them"

Unknown said...

i just re-read my comment. supposed to be "steal" not "still" HAHA!

The Robertsons said...

Aimee!!! yeah you have a blog that i never knew about

Alison said...

post some more're funny ;)

Jason,Kristi, and Julie Ann said...

Come on now..You know you keyed that car! HAHAHA!! just kidding..but I know who did it!