Friday, August 15, 2008

A Much Deserved SHOUT OUT and what's been going on in wiggy world!!!!

After reading Super's blog post for today ( for those who don't know super is alison wallin's much deserved nickname from me, it is obvious why) I was thinking about whenever she finds helpful info for the family or for anything she always posts so none of her pals on blogland miss out! THEN i started thinking about how i call this girl daily with my " is this normal " pregnancy questions....most of which are stupid and go a little something like this " hey super , its aimee, is it normal to gain weight during pregnancy?" ISH, sometimes i do not have a clue. But she always answers me nicely and to the best of her knowlege! So what i am trying to say is " THANK YOU SUPER!!!!!! " you have been a huge help in my preggers life! love you!

And to sum up wiggins world, i have composed a small but quick list i am sure each will understand.
1. aimee has been o so sick. ( food poisoning, torn ab muscles, the ever so lovely puking that comes with just being preggers, and lots of dental work from things done wrong as a child and luckily all the work gave me earaches. AWESOME.

2. aimee is now well or being treated from all of the above so she feels fine now :)

3. joey works nonstop. it is his busy time of year so he sleeps about an hour a night and spends the rest of the time getting things together for school fundraisers. he really puts all his time and energy into this and we are all so proud of him. he makes schools a lot of money and they have no idea how much work goes on behind the scenes ( meaning our living room and his office ) last week we had to stuff almost 800 packets with things for children to take home, that does not sound like much but it took 6 hours that night. we were tired and sick of looking at all the literature when we were finished. joey did not go to bed last night bc he was working on a power point for a K-5 class. i have tried to convince him if something is wrong, they aren't listening anyway, just make sure the parent letter is right! i am so ready for this to slow down so i can see my husband!!!!

4. a random lady at target decided to "bless" my baby the other day. yep, hands on me and everything. people are weird. really weird. she also told me if things were to ever end with me and joey she knows a great guy for me. what?! crazy lady. should have helped her find her meds.

5. my dogs think the new nursery is their amp'd up dog house. i will let you know how that goes.

6. we are all moved in our new home in madison. we love it!!!!! it has more room for us to put the 50, 000 ups boxes that come here daily!!! lol.

7, joey and i learned that "Rudolph" as in the red nosed deer is a trademarked term, so one of our companies sent us wrapping paper for our catalogue that says RANDOLPH on it. i yelled out to joey and he thought it was simply a misprint. so we did a little research and our wrapping paper provider told us since they could not print rudolph they came up with " randolph the brown round nosed deer" stinks. we think that was a horrible idea. if you have a kid approach you to buy some randolph paper, we know its wrong. we are shame faced. dang copyrights.

that is the highlight of wiggins world. we find out what this little one is on tuesday so be watching for that exciting information!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Alison said...

thanks for the props aimee. glad you're feeling better but i didn't realize you were having ear aches, too. yuck. ya--can i PLEASE buy some of that randolph paper ;)